devlog in DMD
For honor.
I have a question that seems very out of context right now
but I assure you
this is very important to the game
choose the coolest one
2 votes Voting finished
Some screenshots from the intro cutscene of "Devil Must Die"
#screenshotsaturdayonasunday #rpgmaker #indiedeveloped #devilmustdie
I'm working on the intro cutscene right now
it is pretty good so far
should I show you guys some screenshots?
3 votes Voting finished
That door looks very... intimidating.
Maybe you shouldn't go in there...
Since I forgot to include a pole it in the last time I said it
what do you think of think of the first map for "Devil Must Die"?
7 votes Voting finished
Does anyone know some good parallax mapping scripts for RPG Maker VX Ace?
I decided to try out parralax mapping!
here is the first one I made!
This will be where you start off in the game!
some news, I guess
@Iron_malakye is going to be an artist.
I am also an artist, though.
We struck a deal.
I make some art, and they make some art.
like Toby Fox and Temmie Chang.
I am hosting a bit of a competition
more information in the article