Ideas_Fusion_Creations in Team Sonic.Exe/Fazbear Clan (With Team Suicide Mouse.EXE and Team Sunky)
Your Demise (EX) cover idea with Monika and Me (8-bit)
Cover title: Your Quietus
Fazbear.EXE's Dark SSJ/Sonic transformation sound
Created by me
(I mixed the sounds with the Devil emerges part from GORIX's take of Suicide Mouse mixed and the transformation sound from Dragon Ball Super)
Double Kill cover idea with Me (Nightmare) and @KanTheHedgehog (Nightmare) Vs. Mori Calliope (Holofunk)
Cover title: Double Nightmare
Full-Body Amputation cover idea with Me (Nightmare/Phase 3: Specimen 966) and Fatal Error Vs. Mori Caliope (Holofunk)
Cover Title: Hell’s Amputation
For today, I will be presenting The Smiler's backstory that's in WIP and the full story will be finished in the future once I'm done with the main story
(And also thank you guys for giving all of the support to me)
Too Slow Encore idea with Ohio Entity: Jay Flexington/The Smiler (Phase 1 and 2) and Boyfriend
Cover title: Find Your Smile
I have decided myself to make a Creepypasta story about my own Ohio Entity: Jay Flexington, The Smiling Killer within the stories and characteristics based on Lake Eerie by Killbo Fraggins, Only in Ohio, Jeff The Killer and Suicide Mouse
This how the intro of Desertion (Departure Mouse mix) cover be like (Before the music starts):
(Link to the file on Google drive will soon be in the article's description below)
Monochrome (Perish Mix) cover idea with Goldiroth and Boyfriend
Cover title: Devastation
出発 (Departure) cover idea with No More Sins/ Ken Masamune (NMI Mouse.EXE) and 暗い (Kurai)
Cover title: 脱走 (Desertion)