Collab Project News in -Red Rabbit Games Community-

Feel free to share anything!

This is very memorable as bad as this image is, it brings back good times when I was constantly working on games.

Here's a fun fact project springlock was originally gonna be called "Fredbear's Return" back in 2018, then in 2019 I changed the name to project springlock and stayed like that since then.


Been trying to boost progress for awhile now safe to say that time has started now.



We're getting there...


"Did some more work with visual effects. Added some motion blur when moving the cam + dust particles + changed the perspective shader so it looks more 3D. And coding a way to skip the intro."

- @DaRadsla

Progress is goin'! :)

(still WIP.)

The major update will be on hiatus

Progress is slow at the moment but it's doing well so have this screenshot!

Progress is pretty slow currently, once it picks back up I got a big devlog coming.