general in Five Nights at Sonic's: Pixel Robotics (Official GJ Community)



To commemorate this game's 2nd Anniversary here are some previews of The Act 2 Withered Cast, and Sonic's last redraw

Skins arent going to be removed

We are currently balacing them

So that this game doesnt become bloated.


Round One Needs "YOUR" help

New Gaem (placeholder thumbnail)

Golden Toy Sonic was kicked in the balls twice, First He Lost his friends now He cant have his og MMI Mechanic, oh well at least He isnt dead, thank god…
Guys please take the time to read this thoroughly. A lot of hard work and effort by other people went into the making of the games mentioned and they have a right on what to say about usage of it

Chewing some Gum, want some?

This Game Is Gonna Have A Demo To Give You Some Experiance Of What The Game Is Gonna Be Like...

It Will Have 2 Acts And Thats It For The Demo

Sadly Nothing Yet But Read The Article For A Sneak Peak Of Act 1