All Posts in Who is spider


Happy pride month???

Well i drew this my oc

But i got non binary


||Random shβ˜…t||FT: My irl friend group[The dark haired one is my child Millie and the brown hair is my child Star. The blonde one is my daughter in law(Dating Star), Lauren or Lj]||πŸ¦†πŸΊπŸ¦‡πŸ¦Š||

I got. . .


I got lesbian!!!



#GJAsks what's your most embarrassing death in a game? I was play gang beast with @-Dolli- and my little brother and I was tryna throw him off and flung myself off. It was a while ago like when I was still Cupid lmfao


||β˜…Dandelionsβ˜…||πŸŒΌπŸ«€||FT: @A11is0n ||NOT OG||Also read article if u care Abt the watermark n shit||

OKAY SO Y'ALL I WILL BE MAKING PRIDE PFPS, JUST TELL ME UR SEXUALITIES AND GIVE ME A PICTURE(It will be cropped!!) AND IF U WANT, I CAN GIVE A FREE PRIDE NAME LIKE MINE (Hero the trans rat) Blah blah blah etc anyways it's free and here are examples ↓

Collab I did on Pinterest with my friend Dev, y'all can join I'll show him