All Posts in VS Dave and Bambi club
Holy phone
To everyone in this community
What happen to this user? plis join
Taco's AMAZING Song!
а разве есть какие-то док-ва того, что в ЕГО спальне есть какая-то тумбочка? оч подозрительно..
is there any proofs of that, what in HIS bedroom have any nightstand? very suspicious..
милый инвалид не понял моего вопроса
cutie disabled man don't understand my question
оу~ я для Дэйви "лапочка"))
aw~ i'm "sweetheart" for Davie))
decided to remake the eye things from Manny Edition.
I currently have some other stuff planned for gamejolt, I won't be posting about anything else after this until ive finished most of this stuff in the article, other than small life updates every now and then, (Read Article for more info)
Ampharos cuz its cool