Collaborator project news in Fredinator Community

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"Welcome to Fredbear's Family Diner"

Better look of the outside.

Cutouts are now added. (By @Inky_Bun )

Lighting by: @DaRadsla

Outside map by: @deluxe_rainbow_channel


The title screen is now coded! That doesn't mean the game is almost done, no no it's far from being done and I'm seeing next year. However, this is good progress by the talented @GhostGamesX (huge thanks to you bro)

Hope y'all enjoy it! :)

One big happy family!!!

(I'm bored and waiting on stuffs, but in the meantime have this amazing awesome, spectacular even test render woooOOO)

Better look of image here:…

SCOTT IS ALWAYS WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(another test so not final lmao)

Test render with Fredbear (yes, scott faces are still there for now LMAO). AND NO, Fredbear will not be in the office like this, he'll be planned for something else. This is to test if things run well and sent well and it has thankfully. WOOO

While we're waiting for the map to be finished here's these 2 rooms so far. They're still WIP, so not final just yet. But we've been cookin'. The team and I are really excited to move forward with this project. We still need a LOT of time though.

Here's the office SO FAR (it's still being worked on so this isn't final). We've still got a lot to tweak/polish however it's going very well. Huge thanks to @Mortuus and @DaRadsla for their major help with the map.

Ignore the Scott faces for now LOL

Map is almost done, it's like 90% done or something. Credits to @DaRadsla for texturing, and credits to @deluxe_rainbow_channel for the map itself.

Progress be goin' :)

Still WIP ofc (some props ain't textured yet lmao)

And yes, if you're curious the map is in the texturing phase. Here's a early WIP so far! Once it's done it'll be the lighting and hopefully final stuff to follow after that. Sorry for the silence, we're taking our time with this.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You're gonna be all by yourself doing this and I'm not sure you're mentally prepared. If you are sure you can do this then go ahead."