Show & Tell in -GGX COMMUNITY-


Everything is ready

Lets not forget about 8-bit bady and ice!

One more fan game desktop wallpaper made with the game files, this time of Nights Shifts at Pierre.

Since the head was shown in the 900 follower post, I'll screenshot this test render of the new Brady model (I'll let @RedRabbitGames show full images whenever he gets ready to)

HQ version:…

Once more of the new assets and new models get done, I'll be giving this page a massive update (that it really needed lol)

900 Followers! (Open Article)

okay, all jokes aside since the page is almost at the 900 follower goal I'll be revealing the office with the new lighting along with some other things that are in the works once it hits said goal.

the hotdog freddy

Do keep in mind that the lighting you guys saw in the new office was only for placeholder purposes. Once I send it over to @Fredinator to do his magic it will look much better.