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I really need a first aid kit

i was bored so i did this (guys should this actually be included in fanart? i'm kinda confused as to if yes or no)


Half-Life 2: Look to your own, salvation!

Grandmother's funeral Vs HLX leak


I hate headcrabs now

forgot to post this, black ops combine, newest updated model to replace the old shitty one.

If you think about it, Gordon Freeman is acctualy young Walter White

NGL Gordon being dragged away by the 2 soldiers at the end of Apprehension kinda looks like 2 guys carrying away a drunk friend



fun fact: the Half-Life chapter "Surface Tension" (chapter 12) is the ABSOLUTE WORST OFFENDER when it comes to overlapping. i guess that in a game like Half-Life, where all maps are directly connected, there's bound to be an overlap somewhere, but DANG!