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:3 video draw 4 y’all

Ah yes a draw that took me a few minutes to do

I was originally finna put “Asks R open” but I just realized I had no more room

(Reasons of tis draw?)


(Bc boredom and I’m not sleeping cuz I have to get on a plane in da morning… *CRIES*)


Just a random draw of Jevin JJ (my OC) Black and Mr Sun :3

(This shit took me an hour to make GRAAAHHH )

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Image of da drawing in da article below :>

 Just a simple draw of Mr sun and Ms Moon ( @PinkiTheBunneh ‘s OC) *yes Ms Moon originally belongs to her*

Reason of da post: cOmpLeTe RanDoMnEsS (or just bored)

Platform: ms paint (I think)


Another one 😫