Dev_log in FNaS 2 + community

Share your creations!
Maybe we should try this again...
First time didn't go so well

Ok so two things...
First thing, these are the designs for the withereds by @Toasty998 , if you haven't noticed they are the head artist, and you should go support them because they make super good art, 2nd thing is Withered Sonic's mechanic (In article)

Behold, withered sonic! Design by @Toasty998 , also he WILL be one of the two characters getting their mechanic's changed, but I won't say anything for now
Man, that's a big dev_Log
Ok, pretty big update, the game is now converting to click team. Since one of the members @Toasty998 has decided to do the coding for the game. But the scratch one will stay one the page as a back up if things don't go well.