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g weed nation. new song

lightspeed - daving bambi weed edition ost
bambi purgatory leak shows weed bf what its like to be athe algorithm shenanigans Friday Night Funkin' is a Newgrounds rhythm game made in HaxeFlixel origina... weedbi.exe 😱😱😱

evil smoke encore - daving bambi weed edition ost
weedbi.exe scary lyrics sung by @banser_realLYRICS (SCARY :scream:) -----------------------------------------------------My name.. Is Weedbi.exe! I'm going t...


My sister just got an assignment from her english teacher and she is forced to write a crossover fanfic about red riding hood and a franchise of her choice (I would pick Bubsy The Cat or Undertale)


it is (currently) a bit after a year of the creation of bluxpunged

happy 1 year of mr liar hater i guess

innobisphobia 4 encore - daving bambi weed edition ost
weedbi's final standoff against doodoo fart

Also, to those unaware, I haven't been posting music due to 2 ear infections.

I have a prescription to help fight it off, and I should be fine in about 10 days.

Until then, I'll keep y'all updated!!

Hey guys tagded here, just so you know I haven't quit gamejoltor anything and I have been making alot of music behind the scenes just so you know.

bluxpunged but none of him is upside down