Polls in KivBunny Creations Art's And Creations Games

[Credits Gif from tenor and mashed video shorts on youtube]
Ah I'm thinking of doing the amy rose from there's about something amy de mashed series [I'll open a poll] and yes I have the sketch ready
I call her crazy amy because of her design and behavior
If you like of bonfie fanart, I have a sketch made of the fexa The fox of Cryptia Curves, I should do it [I'll open a poll]

Right, from what I've seen in the polls it's gotten 75% likes, so I'm going to open a poll for which cryptia fnaf AU character.
[If the poll has no more character votes or a tie for me to do the fanart, I'll draw some myself]

[Repost] Some time ago I decided to draw some fnaf characters from cryptia curves so I opened a poll
I got the idea because of @mr- 's pinned post and his sketch drawings
[Sorry if I deleted the post, I'll fix the poll duration days]