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The cheezers guy...
-Chellow guy, Aside BF, Cardboard GF.

-Thanks for liking!!!

Chellow Guy's prototype idle concept!


#ChellowGuy #FunkinAside

' ' Yellow Guy ' ' ~ ' ' Joshua Coolman ' '

[ NOTICE: It's mere concept art!!! ]

--[Aside Purple Guy]--

[Post contents]




[Animation content]

Idle, Right, Up, Left, Down, Cheer [BF's solo]

-Thanks for liking!!!

~ F I X ~

-Chellow Guy render!

-Thanks for liking!!!

#ChellowGuy #OurpleGuy #FunkinAside

"Gloo Guy" ~ Your order sir!
-Some funky Gloo guy render-

-Thanks for liking!!!

#FunkinAside #ChellowGuy #OurpleGuy

Who do we have here...

FUNKIN' at Freddy's FUNKIN' Aside!

-Thanks for liking!!!

Chellow's Left miss pose goes hard ngl [Real no fake] !!111! [OMG at 3am!] [gone wrong] [don't try at home!]


The Aside gang is here ~ lol
-This is not a mod btw...

-Thanks for liking!!!