All Posts in Lil' Imps Lighthouse

Eat your Dino Chicken Nuggets

crazy? I was crazy once…

They locked me in a room…

A rubber room…

A rubber room with rat’s!

And rat’s make me crazy!!


Hello everyone! I figured I'd point out that I have re-vamped the community, given it a little touch, and made it more vibrant—and funny, you could say. I hope you all are doing well and enjoying the re-vamp, and I'll see you all VERY soon!!

So, I think William Afton is exposed to be getting spring locked in this.

i made this comic about halloween and finished on October 29th (started October 8th) and i’m proud of this!



A random Bendy drawing I discovered while going through my files.

Want to draw something with my character but need the proper colors or design?

Well, here I present to you my very own character chart that includes all colors and my character. You're welcome!

I hate waking up for school /_ \

Some Halloween thing I made cause I was bored.

Hey Caleb! could you maybe do an animation stream soon? id love to see how you animate

Reading And Math, bleh :P