scrapped in Lost Media, Mysteries, and Other Scrapped Content

Make sure your post has minimal swearing and no sexual content!

This is the Blind Creature that was going to be in ONAF 2 but was scrapped. It was going to be based on sound and wander around but Jonochrome didn't like that idea. He said would reuse the concept in another game but not this exact design.


Lost media que no debe ser encontrado pt1

I just got a huge wave of memories from this

the beta of alphabet lane is still on the files but is broken and only shows a black screen also i found a alternative scene of rachel mulligan talking to someone in a chat about entering a storage

Sianko Iceberg

I dare someone to make a youtube video out of this

Template by:

If someone has the balls to do this make sure to post a video link with it

#Iceberg #sianko389 #rpgmaker #games #lostmedia