bugreports in Lucid Explorer

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Not really a bug, but the server seems to be offline.

Is there supposed to be a texture applied to whatever's rising out of the floor in Challenge Course's update? Seems like it doesn't want to load.

What I think happened is that the level codes got mixed up somehow and I might've accidentally replaced your level with the updated version of mine. Oops.

After a while, House loaded, but it was the original version instead of the new updated one. Confused, I went back into the editor, clicked Manage World, and entered my level's code. To my surprise, It brought up one of your levels instead.

so uh
this one's interesting

I gave my first map "House" a visual update using custom textures. After I was done I clicked Update Previous and entered in the level's code. I then entered Dream mode to see if the updated level loaded. (continued)