creations in Lucid Explorer

Share your creations!

-Map Plans for the Future, continued-
Since a new update for Lucid Explorer was announced in the game's public chat adding new gameplay mechanics, support for custom music/textures and more, here are the maps I plan to create in the future.

-Map Plans for the Future-
Here are the maps I plan to make in the future:
-Dark Streets: This is a map I teased over half a year ago. It's pretty big now and will feature many secrets to find once it's finished, providing lots of replay value.

Piano Showroom has been released to the public, and can now be played!

Piano Room screenshots!
The map, Piano Showroom, will be uploaded sometime tomorrow.

Some little plants and a door.

Another screenshot! I really like how well this little light fixture turned out to be.

Since my main project is taking so long, here's a screenshot of one of the many new smaller things I have in development. (probably gonna make those lamps a bit bigger :P)

Lucid Adventure - Preview Image 2

-Starting Area-

I thought it would be an interesting challenge to make a complex map with Lucid Explorer's currently limited editor features, proving you can do a lot with little resources.

More description details will be posted as the map is developed.

[Map Description]

Lucid Adventure is a map for Lucid Explorer that plans on using numerous gameplay elements, such as platforming, exploration, and puzzle-solving.

Description will be separated into several posts because of GameJolt's character limits. :/