creations in Lucid Explorer

Share your creations!

Guest bedroom's done!

custom room signs yay :D

The updated version of Piano Showroom has been released!

Check out Piano Showroom's updated visuals! The updated map will come to the server soon.

I have updated House to give it better textures. Piano Showroom will also be recieving updated visuals in the near future.

Here's a mechanic for the level I'm making:
Hint Blocks!
You can find these around the house. They provide useful hints and gameplay tips.

(Hint Block texture is a placeholder and subject to change)

The main room of my new level is complete!

More screenshots!

workin' on a new thing

-Map Plans for the Future, continued-
-Lucid Adventure: I plan on remaking Lucid Adventure when the new game update comes out, giving it better visuals and gameplay
-A couple A Dark Place styled maps
-A few maps inspired by Mind Plague's old concept