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🏳️‍🌈Happy pride month everybody let this month strengthen your resolves and remind. You that always proud of who you are and what you represent cause if you can’t love yourself how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else lemme get a amen up in here🌈

Heh… caught caught putting my phone back but uhh got this picture

(Made on picrew)

Two.. natauki’s *starts breathing heavily *

(Yes I know this picture is uhh bad also Not my art)

Uhh hi this is well a costume that matches with natsuki’s and uh how is everyone today?

(Not my art)

Hey everyone got a chance to swipe my phone from where my dad hid it also I am not cute this outfit was a cosplay thing don’t even write the word cute please

(Still looking for the artist)

Good news me and yuri will be active this week not so sure about the other two girls tho

milk and cereal

Just A Reminder: This room is JUST for people like Monika, Yuri, Natsuki, And Sayori, AND the Male Mc
