Memes in Monster games community

Remeber cat kid?
Well spoilers it's now not cancelled and is instead going to be a reskin of mob boy (I'm sorry)

Can anyone spot the breaking bad references?

Ok so tell me what one of my characters match with these?
So here are some cancelled games:
Brutal bear 3D
Captain slaughter around the world
Five nights at Cyes
Five nights at Freddy's: The lost ones (2018-2022)
A retro game (Maybe)
Monster quest
Resident green (Evergreen)
Evergreen 1.5
Metroid boss rush

I think if brutal bear went into 3d this is what he'd look like

Here’s a brutal bear movie teaser jk
So something funny years ago I thought about was making a smash bros game based on my company (This was before the ass nick smash game) but this was before brutal bear and Evergreen with other ips (Coming soon and it's not a promo lol)

Holy crap lois I'm on heavy forces

What are you getting?