general in Midnight at Mackie's community group

I see you all found my group for my game. well enjoy it as much as you like.

I have made an interesting decision, I want someone else to try voicing Mackie...

My voice is close to what I want, but my voice thinks puberty doesn't own it yet, and I don't think it would sound convincing enough.

so a Five Nights at Thomas game was released today...

and it's called Dehydrated.

do you know what else is related to water, AND death?



I wanted to mess around with the lighting to see If I could achieve the "Spooky" effect. so I went with a calming blueish light and made it so dim that it barely lights up half of the screen

Hi, I have some info about the release date... If things go quickly enough, we might have a build of the game out around the summer of 2021, or as late as 2022 if I think the game needs more polishing and finishing touches.

Smelling something fishy?

Mackie's retouch

Is it time to quit? Or should we hibernate? How long until new info releases? how will anyone find out about Mackie and his friends?

all will be answered soon, and by soon, I mean not for a long while.

Believe it or not, the Modeling contest for Midnight at Mackie's is still up and running, if people still want to participate, then join the Midnight at Mackie's group to read the rules in the contest tab.


Update on the Fan-game Initiative