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haha car go vroom vroom zoom drift skkkrt brrrrrr boom woooosh

Fighter Game Thing Is Coming Back!

Fighter Game Thing is Coming Back! - Early Access Trailer
That's right, I've decided to recreate Fighter Game Thing with loads of new characters, prettier graphics, fewer bugs, new songs, and much more. An early acc...


hmmmm, what could this be?

I've updated the Pareal Games logo. Because I liked this iteration, I decided to make the new Pareal Games logo a reimagining of the 4th iteration.

I think I made the tank unit too OP lol

I think the tank is too overpowered - Evolution
I added the tank and I think it's a bit too overpowered lol, so here is the tank defeating most of the bosses in the game.Here are the links to the game if y...

Art for the Red Ghost

I feel so old knowing this was 3 years ago

I'm uncancelling the game!

Right now, I can't work on a majority of my games atm because of the Turboloader extension CDN not working. I can still work on games like The Guys and Bethan & Owain, just not my big games like Evolution or Lizards in Crime. So yeah, that sucks :(

Here is a comparison of what Evolution looked like 2 years ago in January 2022 vs what Evolution looks like 2 years later in February 2024.

Evolution - 2022 vs 2024
Here is a comparison of what Evolution looked like 2 years ago in January 2022 vs what Evolution looks like 2 years later in February 2024.GameJolt: https://...