All Posts in MarxFromKirby Official Community

Share Some art, theories, or something here!

Comissions will be stopped until I get back so If you wanted me to draw something you'll need to wait for a couple of hours or so.

Doing crappy comissions for FREE on M.S. Paint

Reply to this of what you want me to draw!

marx is love, marx is life

meet Simon_Bot

he is a curious robot who loves to explore

and he can climb trees

he was created by Dr Fox

Lumpy is Dead (Heavy is Dead parody) (use any character you want)

new day, new me.

''You took away what we loved...''

''....And We will avenge it.''

if you remember this,

you deserve a veterans discount.

fleegle is love, fleegle is life 2

fleegle is love, fleegle is life