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Welcome, hope you have a nice day!

Hi I know this isn't the project you've been waiting for but I wanted to say that I let the time slip this this summer due to phone addiction, but I still have hope to refind time someday. Ty and good luck out there.

Hey yall, I just wanted to give a quick update. So this project is taking a bit longer than expected. Mainly because I'm a beginner, despite this, I will make sure to see this project though to completion. Thanks for your patience, and have a nice day!

Hey yall, just wanted to give a progress update so you're not left in the dark. So far it's going well, but I've been busy with life stuff this week. But know I'm still working hard to get stuff done. Thanks for your patience, and have a great day!

Hey yall, how's it going. This week has been a bit crazy lately, so my projects have been a bit slow, but still doing alright. So, turns out on my employee training course I will have one more section before the walk cycle section, so stay tuned!

Hi yall, hope things are going well, I am going to be gone for a bit because I've have been very busy lately, and am need of a small break. I will be back a bit after Easter, so stay tuned and have a great holiday!