fanart_and_creations in Five Nights at Freddy's - THE SHoRT COMMUNITY
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So i was playing FnaS to beat 4/20 but is so damn hard, when i died i decided to draw as my artstyle the "Game Over screen" and here............ is the awesome result
Ian artstyle + My artstyle
FNaS Maniac Mania
"The Lunighttemare"
Drawing Fanart made by me Silentfaith.
I drew characters from the list of new characters in fnaf shorts
I chose these cuz yes
animatronics from ultra custom night styles in FNaF S
Clone original sonic in fnas mm plus
Fake not true
I was boring,so i did it
Fun facts that are fucking right: Chica is a epic gamer and
has a gun and bonnie has seen a arugument on twitter