Novas corner of cornering in Nova’s Dome of Stars
Reach for the stars
Thanks for getting me to
*checks watch*
253 followers and 6444 likes??
Wow! Thank you everyone! ❤️
(P.S. 6444 is such a satisfying number)
I have time travelled and experienced the same day twice
I’ve been gone for way too long
It’s hilarious to see the worst being brought out in everyone
Everyone so competitive and losing their shits
Sorry for the lack of posts :/
I just haven’t had much motivation lately
And I’m also sick, but everything’s a-okay
Oh, and I’m hoping to release big news tomorrow
Not necessarily good news, but big news
Why is this the first one of my posts to get 100 likes?
It’s just a random meme!
Well, guess I have a new posting schedule of all memes
Oh, yeah. Good morning
#GJAsks; what is your comfort game?
Sitting in my room alone with the lights off listening to music