Freaky_Art in The Freakshow!

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The Fog offers you Choccy Milk as an act of generosity... do you accept?

The Happy Hoovy's first victim... BLU Scout...

new Freak alert! wanted to get more into the TF2 Monster territory of Freaks! so i made The Happy Hoovy :3

spooky The Fog render, slight reference to First Instance FNF (yall FNF mfers can see it) sumn quick i wanted to do to just add on to The Fog's spookiness, i miss genuinely creepy Freaks

and another new Freak! Con-man Karl! (name chosen by my one and only <3 @fuckyachickenstrips )

‘nother new Freak today! Stargazer!

i had to make something for He-Who-Jests, too good of a Freak idea to miss out :3

new Freak! He-Who-Jests! simple ability, whatever he lies about becomes reality for 10 minutes, until he lies about it again

Deus Ex Machina (Toaster FreakMix), this one didnt really take that long, im happy with what came out

the poster for Inf3ctious is complete!