Parody Characters of HHS in The Jax Justun Studios Recorder Archives

This is where you'll all see recorded videos, news articles, unseen stories and etc. of JJS

(#Video18 - Created on: Feb. 25th, 2024 - March 6th, 2024) - Well guys, it's FINALLY here!!!! Good morning by the way!!! Anyways, the #18thJJSVideo is here and it has something inside of there that's VERY FIMIIULAR!!!!!!

2024 HHS Parody Character #6 - Mr. Dynamtapus (Created on: February 25th, 2024 - March 6th, 2024) - Hello once more to everyone from FNAF and the SCP Containment Breach/Foundation!!!!!

Well guys, we did it!!! We made it towards the #1200thGameJoltPost here on GameJolt!!! Which was on this day March 6th, 2024!!!!!!!!!

2024 HHS Parody Character #2 - Deathf Fun Snake “DeathfSnake” (Created on: March 6th, 2024) - Hello and good-mars-row once again towards me friends!!! Or again, good morning and/or afternoon as well........ guess..........

2024 HHS Parody Character #1 - Chess Greece (Created on: March 1st, 2024) - Hello and good-mars-row my friends!!! Or good morning as well....Perhaps!!!!!

Welly well well well, my beloved fans and everything!!! The Official/FULL Name for the #1stHaxxHustunStudios Parody Mascot/Character has FINALLY been revealed!!!!!!

WOW!!! TWO BRAND NEW Channels from TWO Communities for Jax Justun Studios!!!!!! Well, stay tuned to find out for next time you guys!!!! #ParodyMascotsAndParodyCameos #OfHaxxHustunStudiosInc!!!!!!! #Since1919!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!!!!