Fan Game Ports in Sega Forever™

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Still working on the update guys, have this screenshot having Super Sonic.

The Sprites of Super Sonic belongs to the creator of it.

#Sonic #SonicUnleashedAndroid #SonicUnleashed #SonicTheHedgehog #SonicBlastYT #SonicBlast #Joltober2023

I'm thinking to remake the sprites of the game in a future version.

Let me know what do you guys think at the comments


Werehog Sprite belongs/credited to the owner.

#Sonic #SonicUnleashed #SonicTheHedgehog #SonicBlast #SonicBlastYT #Android

After years of hiatus, I'm back at developing, here's something I have working since July with some people.

I've remastering an apk from my childhood which is Sonic Unleashed from JAVA/Gameloft.

All details will be on the description.

#Sonic #SonicBlast