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I got back to Clash of clans!

(Ah the good days) and here's my profile [name is weird cause when I was typing it, the app laged]


ok for real now Retro racers is not accessible from scratch anymore if u want to play it you have to download it, thx for the support I got from you all, without the community here I wouldn't be making games and you all inspired me to make games after all

i made a last update on my game RRSR (retro racers scratch remake) in which i basically killed some bugs and remade the cars, and with this update im going on vacation to austria for 2 weeks, ill be online but with a huge limit, wish you all luck.

what do people like about platformer games i mean they are great but what do you like about them?

what type of 2d game shall i make

  5 votes Voting finished

Im going to make my first unity game, with mostly pre build assets and ill try to do more by myself after time

I'm gonna go angery mode if @Stevboi , @BORIPIANO and @Viktaaa_ don't stop this argument.

btw here an update on the discussion between @BORIPIANO and @Stevboi

I made a post but removed it a few minutes later, in the post i adressed some points mostly taking @Stevboi down, i excuse to the ones insulted and or affected, read the article please

i tried to edit a profile picture to what i would make it look like if I myself made it, the original profile picture is from @Stevboi no-one has the premission to copy this picture except for @Stevboi due to legal reasons, just realised i forgot the pic.