All Posts in FNaTAS: Tour Rebranded (Official)

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Some of you noticed the new video of @Vitoria_the_silly

I will try talk to her and hopefully fix things out


(not having any ideas rn, so i may need some of your help)

Happy 9th Anniversary of FNATAS

More of betrayal AU...

(if mark managed to stop himself from suicide)

Do you also like hang girl's noises, (i think it called scream of agony or smth) as i am?

  9 votes Voting finished

Demo patch 1:

- fixed power drain

- added credits

- fixed continue button a little bit

and thats...basically it, have fun

my forvite is

  12 votes Voting finished

Phantom Stephen + Classic version


(belongs to @ArdaOnayOzcan2009 )