games n stuff in -The Cawthon Cult-

Wellcome to the cult we are happy to see yu

what do you want me to leak on my game?
Что вы бы хотели, чтобы я слил по фнаф р?


Русские настройки! / Russian Settings

Guess the date of the Demo.

Freddy sprites are done!!

Let the investigation begin...

- After Nights at Bobby's 2


Go follow by my friend @Fredinator , im making the models for the Updated Version of the Game!

If I had a contest for drawings and 3d posters, would you participate? (Subject: FNAF R)

(p.s. get the poster as an exclusive).

  73 votes Voting finished

DevLog Diary №1

(Basically, this DevLog will be devoted to what I already have at the moment (and what, most likely, I showed earlier). I'm warning you in advance.)