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600 FOLLOWERS!!!! Thank you all very much

The TDNaAAT Gamejolt Community has been updated.

I redid the renders of Feliz and Olivia in the Arcade area

(Read article)

Sorry for not showing news of Lino's Diner but the game is still in progress.

Remember the TDNaAAT Fangames event?, well it has been cancelled, the reason, no one was interested in this event, and there is no point in continuing with this event if no one is interested.…

The Night Shift at Lino's Diner Demo is Now Available, Enjoy the Demo!

Thank you for the 40 followers

Here is one of the posters of Lino's Diner

With the animatronics: Lino Fazdog, Felix The OrangeFox and Olivia the Wolfdog

New Game Revealed!

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Welcome to the official community of Those Dark Nights at Aran's and Toto's.

Bienvenido a la comunidad oficial de Esas Noches Oscuras en Aran's y Toto's.

Unete al servidor de discord de TDNaAAT

Join the TDNaAAT discord server

Post your stuff on the respective channels

Publica tus cosas en los canales respectivos


1 .nsfw forbidden

2 .no fights or polemics

3 .hate is not allowed

4. Do not offend or harass anyone

5. publish your stuff on the right channels

6. Don't be rude

7. Not N@p@r


1 .nsfw prohibido

2 .no peleas ni polémicas

3 .no se permite el odio

4. También pueden hablar español

5. No ofender ni acosar a nadie

6. publica tus cosas en los canales correctos

7. No ser Grosero

8. No N@p@r

Whoever does not follow the rules will be blocked

Quien no siga las reglas será bloqueado


Respect the community

Respetar la comunidad

@AranBucobo owner
Report A community for about 2 years