All Posts in Tempest's Underground Tavern

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Booba N O W

-Out with the old; In with the new-

What's to come next . . .

Hey guys, its been a while, a LONG while. I just wanted to update you guys on my current situation

This post was made to remind everybody that, yes, I'm still alive

Even though Null was one of the easiest antagonists to create for OWaD, I decided to make an official new incarnation of him called, Void.

(He actually looks good now)


Guys, please send love to @NONNY_NONNA28 . He’s thinking about hurting himself lately. Please send him some love.

My genuine hot-take on EVERY controversy I've been in so far, (Just because)!

[Chronological | Oldest to Newest]

Please Read Article

- An Open Letter to BBB -

Another Fucking Controversy and My "Hot Takes"
