Lore in Fanky's Alley of Chaos


You don't have arachnophobia do ya?


(Lore articlesss)

Jester Gato


Itsa David.

Sorry I took a picture out of no where. I din't tell him to say cheese :3

Random Fact: Yip's species can adapt and learn very quickly. If you kept one as a pet and put it in a cage for the night. One night not only will it figure out how to get out, but it will also figure out how to open the door so it can sleep with its owner


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There is a virus on your device.

Sorry if thats the text ya got from me postin dis :3

Char info in article

Heres Frank.

Yes the Spring was lazily put together, no I'm not redoing it.

Evil Buggo.... ew.

Info in article.

Stuff with Spoilers are stuff that may disturb you.

Oi look its Pixel

(Lor in articlll)