general in The Thy Community

hello and welcome to the thyest community of all time

Blue is about to go asleep

the history of thy 2022... (gj ver)


so this is a leak for destroy scratch cat deluxe

Hello I'm thy mobile acc might wanna fren this one incase I'm on mobile

birdy's adventure part 2 has started to be worked on for gamejolt and i cant wait for it to be ported for now though just play birdy's adventure part 2 on scratch

so you may be asking where part 2 is well uh im gonna be starting to make a gj edition soon (achievements in it obviously) but for now you can like listen to its music when i get it ready (and part 3)

yo we got an update cuz we now at v1.5.0

yo im adding achievements to this game becuz of uh @softed ye sry @LukasStudioTV i cant really find out how to use yours


epico fnaf project im making


heres some voice acting that i seriously like for apparent reasons which is very strange