All Posts in The Kirby Genius Headquarters
Post what you want here as long as it follows the rules!
No promises just yet, but...
Something might be returning soon.
Small update + news. Read the article below.
The Merciless Mercenary
"I'm hanging on to the other side!"
(Song: Undefeatable from Sonic Frontiers)
I have returned from my trip! It was quite fun to be with my aunt and uncle for a while. I am bummed me and my sister have to go, but hey. It’s be good to be back.
Hi, everyone. Hope you’re doing well. :)
Please read the article below, as I have something I’d like to say.
When it grows bright, the particles start to marvel, having made it through the night.
Never they ponder, weather electric, calming if you look at it right.
(Song: The Mind Electric by Miracle Musical)
As promised, the graphics update has released! Read the article to see what has changed.
And stay tuned for news on the upcoming remaster, FNaDP: Reascended.