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Small Update Regarding the Development of Noelle's Repentance

“Unrelaxing start” “blizzard again“ “steamy shores” “sound against bone” “puzzling death” “a foreboding conclusion?”

Hey everyone. How are you doing today? I know it’s been a while since the last devlog but. This project is getting changed. To TR!GROUPTALE, The changes won’t be instantaneously. 1/2

Hey everyone. I need people to help with TR!GROUPTALE,

Specifically, 2+ devs. (I’d like you guys to use gamemaker or godot.) 3+ composers. 3/4+ artists. And 3 testers.

Hello, I’d like to announce my fangame. TR!GROUPTALE, these are The concepts for three of the souls. (By @TEPtheDev ) I have asked team undertale yellow and the creator of kindred spirits if I could use their humans.