Teasers/announcements in The Mimic cult

Le Mimic

We hit 200 followers on Spring‘s that’s incredible and I’m now about to announce something for the game…..

(Oh this announcement will not be good)


Gm my dear friends

We have a new MimicStudios member and this member is

@Scrap_Metal I’m really happy to announce this and can saying that he is now part of the team

Will never do this again

painful memories coming, coming from everywhere, remember it's only in your head.

Qhz Fkdoodqjhu Dsshduhg...

DEV-LOG!!!! (Article)

Hmm... I need a new profile picture...

Oh, hey everyone! Do y'all want the Fan Art contest? Because you can submit you Fan Art of me with the #KipsNewPFP! Contest ends on 10th of June :P

Goodluck everybody!

- Kip :P

Breaking the radio silence on the game everybody!


Some New moderators if they expect because to lazy to make always myself the features