Show your love for Hank! in TwoMask Studios

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(I love these 2 sm, Hank is superior though)


(don’t ask why I didn’t use a regular socket model)

can y'all give some christmas presents to hank?

(give it to him in the comments)

nvm, my roblox studio is acting like shit.

anywho do you guys want more hank poems?

hehe haha, i- i still am trying to learn how to draw hanks mask/face...but yea, i gave him a hat, bowtie, and sockets mask for that extra drip.

looking better :)


yo @TwoMaskStudios guess who i'm drawing?

hint: he's everyones best friend

as always...hank is our best friend. and we need to thank him for that. #hankisthebest (i honestly tried to draw hanks face but it was to hard)

guys go follow @TwoMaskStudios and go show your love for hank, or i will stuff you all in suits.

@TwoMaskStudios i shall attempt to draw Hank. Since he is my favorite character you’ve ever made