Teasers in The GAMEJOLT-UCN Official Community

We are the ultimate fright, at least for you ;P

I will do the renders of the [Extras] section of the UCN-GAMEJOLT, starting with @Fredinator and so on until I reach The Boss, after that, I think I will start with the cameras and so on little by little

You don't know how complicated it is to draw the Complete Roster of the UCN-GAMEJOLT

Luckily, all that's left is shading and lighting, so it'll be ready soon

I have already finished the traditional Art version of the New UCN-GAMEJOLT Roster, the people will be listed in the article

The New UCN-GAMEJOLT Roster is complete, what follows is the new drawing, then the digital one and that's it!

Let's remake this, do you think?