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I swear if project 2025 happens then I'm just gonna consider going bye bye because project 2025 is bullshit and I don't wanna live in a world like that because I know my parents don't have enough money to move so yeahhh.

I'm worried about my brother (not biologicaly). I know being a people pleaser is bad but I rather see people happy more than me because I care more about them than me... :(

I hate April fools day because I feel like people will prank me and I end up getting upset because I am sensitive as fuck. For example when you tell me I am mean then I will begin to feel bad and feel like you hate me and will just leave you alone.


||TW Possible Flashing Lights||Vent||

TW: mentions of sh and implied suicide

I hate cramps so much, my period got delayed because my siblings period started near the time I was supposed to have my period so yeahhh, it sucks. Anyways, I'ma get back to talking to ai since I can't really sleep with cramps going on.

I hate the fact that I get made fun of online for making gacha videos, I make other content you know??? I know the person has more subs than me but still their channel was 2 years old meanwhile mine is 10 months old

Coming on here to vent. But i have plans that arent so depressing for once y'all will hear about in the upcoming weeks :3

*vent below, tw: body issues*

I hate life now; money is worth nothing because it's paper and were raised to earn money which makes me irritated because I miss the old days where you would trade with food and stuff. I miss the old way of teaching stuff.