General in VixDev Community

Welcome to Vix's Community!

Go follow the new page of twisted carnival manage by @Cyesine for them who are not running or who wants to discover the games.

The Team de dormitabis remake at its most serious moment

it's a joke

Nope, we're not dead, we're still developing the game and everything, more stuff is coming soon for you guys. :)

also a gif of a mini animation I made to the new office you see here

#fnaf #trtf

Follow the games created by @VibingLeaf it looks extremely promising, just seeing the little pictures really makes me want to try when it comes out

He has one thing I want to tell all of you.

At the moment I train on the affects of shadow, and realism, without basing an image, here is a test image

Sometimes I don't understand this kind of people....

Follow this games which is created by a creator I love by name of @Panpaii , its definitely worth it.

Draw # 1 (Mickey mouse psycho)

I am involved in many projects?