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Introducing the MEEP* Tape Archive and Stikbotz Y$ Tape Archive! Based on two Scratch BEAR* Fangames me and @GlitchedMint134758 made.
"Instructions" (because this isn't a Scratch project):

#GJAsks MEEP*, the game I really need to work on. It's a Scratch BEAR* fangame. There are a few issues I'm having with it:
1. Struggling with making the Meep the player
2. Schoolwork
3. Procrastinatenalgitis
It'll release in 72 years, don't worry :)

This account was "stuck in a forest" for two entire months, great to see that it's back

No 2.0 era build releases yet but I'm thinking of actually putting another demo up on scratch

Ah what a game, Finally 100% the badges of Skengines, now I just wait for next update