K fan arts in Murder drones ( >:3 )

Bite me!

I'm go to school, so I'm gonna leave this draw and I have to go :P

I'm fucking bored here :/

We are not doing anything, so I made this amazing draw BC....boring, duh :P

(Amazing style :3)

This draw take me 1 hour or more :/

Idk what more draw, but I have to go and study something, so when I'm not here online, someone can give me a scene if I can redraw it about MD?

(Scene gore or no, whatever scene pls)

(If I can redraw it :D)

I love Zyra, she is so cute

(Draw and character made by @Mr- )

(This draw is so cute OwO)

someone wants to pats me? ~w~

(draw made by @Mr- OwO)

Niniya the new worker drone I invented

(Cute right?)

If K had a theme song


(teaser about the chapter 3)

(Is not finish the chapter 1 btw :/)

(Made in ibis paint :3)