Teasers + anouncements in The andrew ketchup and blueberry tea cookie: Official Gamejolt comnunity
Made a colorpalette for blueberry tea cookie that is based on Agent olive cookie because it fits the deep dish 9 atmosphere so well bc its a literal olive cookie that does alien/outher space related stuff and deep dish 9 is focussed on space and olives
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! My birthday is on the 14th of this month! If you want to make something for my birthday, you should start now!
Teaser to the blueberry tea cookie bossfight for the andrew ketchup mod, noise update
blueberry tea cookie is actually canonically able to turn himself into a human although it takes him too much energy (just like mettaton and his EX form)
Fun blueberry tea cookie fact: blueberry tea cookie's hat is a beanie convinently shaped like a wizard hat. it posesses all of blueberry tea cookie's powers
The andrew ketchup mod: Blueberry tea cookie update Early gameplay footage (jhon gutter and pepperman)
Epic andrew ketchup mod blueberry tea cookie noise update teaser!!!!!!!!!!
Pls dont mind my shitty mic