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Backrooms fan level. Level 2,2 aka 2d. Level 2,2 is constantly melting your brain becus you see the world in 2d but you are inside that world you see and its just weird and dont be afraid your not alone here. Enter exit in the next one.

Added some blood and gore and a new weapon to the new #WTTB update! Welcome to the backrooms is getting closer and closer to release every day!

Backrooms joke fan level. Level E. Level E is a class E wich means that its the envirement that is dangerus becus of many luiquid pain pudels that are every wehre in E shapes and your inside that E.

Entrens & exit. Enter by finding a black lightpole in level 1111. Exit by breaking a lightpole in haf you will be sent to level 1 or have a 10% chanse of going to level !.

Backrooms fan level + entety. Level 4528719819,1 aka lightpole after lightpole. Class 4 survival dificulty. Its about 1000000 entetys below and 1 entety made for this level caled poleguy wich is a class 6 entety. Entrens and exit in the next one.

Backrooms fan level. Level 0,98 aka endless space station. Their are 4 zones. Zone 1 is a class 1. Zone 2 is a class 2. Zone 3 is a class 5. Zone 4 is a class 5. More in a later post.


Backrooms Funny moments

Backrooms sans but in level ! & the original.

The last party popper. Fan entety.

New backrooms entety idéa. Knifers. Knifers are exetremely hostile being able to make any voice of any person.