Inspirational in Batty Bat Community

Hello Fellow Batty Bat!

Welcome to the Inspirational Channel! Sometimes we all need a reminder. I hope this channel inspires and motivates. Feel free to share what inspires you here. :)

Came across this video and it’s inspiring. Great coach. Egypt is strong. 🖤

Emotions: Don't Let Them Rule You!
At critical moments, it’s crucial that we don’t let emotions take over, despite them being a core part of our being. Egypt, on his third day in our academy, ...

you every had that time in your day where you are having a good day and then your brain goes "HEY HERE IS AN AWFUL THOUGHT" and you're like if so, don't worry about it, they're just thoughts. they can't hurt you, LOOK OUT LUKE I'M COMING FOR Y-

Do THIS in the morning to unlock your inner wisdom
Here's a writing exercise I have been doing for over a year now that has allowed me to access the best answers from within. It's very simple and you will sur...
Larry June: Investing In Yourself
we're back!! (again) in the next 12 and a half minuets we look at the importance of investing in yourself through the lens of one of our favorite artist, Lar...