All Posts in Benjiro's Group

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It’s over

I saying I’m severely disappointed is an understatement

Happy Pride Month, wether you’re out of the closet or still need more time, or regardless if you’re a part of the community or not, you should always be able to truly express yourself

Don’t let anyone tell you different, not even yourself

Eyo, just another random post,

Still like conceptualizing some stuff,

Buuut, if you guys still have any questions or ideas for the game feel free to post them in a reply or in their respective channels

Late Night Thoughts

I just feel like more people just need some reassurance, in general.

O h right, I also have like a quick update

I’m done with high school, I can finally celebrate


Sorry about like the post before(the other one), I'm like still trying to figure this whole thing out, but then it's not really my deal or something I'm directly in.

Well, I finally was able to get my cap done!